Wateen Telecom


Data VPN

Home > Data VPN Services in Pakistan​

Wateen’s Data VPN is your digital guardian by using industry-leading encryption protocols, we ensure your data traffic is encrypted and your login credentials, financial information, and business communications remain confidential and secure.

Our Data VPN services allow enterprises to connect their branch offices through the public or private cloud by minimizing technology complexity and reducing cost and risk.

Key Features:

  • Industry-Leading Encryption Protocols
  • Secure Remote Access
  • Network Security Fortification
  • Enhanced User Privacy


Key Benefits:

  • Unwavering Security
  • Increased Productivity
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Improved Compliance
  • Cost Saving
  • Scalability for Growth
  • Bandwidth Customization
  • 24×7 Dedicated Support Team


Wateen provides layer 2 VPN or “point-to-point” service, which is mostly suitable for customers who have a traditional hub and spoke network topology.


With Wateen’s Layer 3 Data VPN, the customer can connect two or more branches/offices with Wateen’s MPLS network.


L3 VPNs are offered to the customers in both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint configurations. This allows the customers to have “any-to-any” connectivity on their network providing customers with the flexibility of designing VPNs according to their requirements.


With dual-hub connectivity, you can improve your productivity by providing more frequent links and ensuring that your business runs smoothly and efficiently.

Get in touch with us any time