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How Businesses Can Benefit from Installing Reliable Solar Technology

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Solar energy has been a game changer for a number of businesses whose operations have been hindered due to unreliable traditional Energy sources. Even after paying huge amounts in the form of electricity bills, companies are unable to get uninterrupted energy to run their offices smoothly. Moreover, businesses consuming traditional energy are also responsible for negatively affecting the environment.


Solar Energy for Businesses is considered to be a more viable solution. In Pakistan, energy costs have been increasing staggeringly and this has made it difficult for people to pay huge amounts in the form of utility bills. If we delve into statistics, If we go through some stats, the industrial tariffs in the country are approx. 17 cents per kWh which is almost double if we compare it to the textile sector in India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.

Businesses have been struggling to bear the burden of these bank-breaking amounts. Therefore, the corporate sector is moving more toward renewable energy sources, such as solar-powered systems. In this article, we will discuss how businesses can benefit from solar panel installation.


Benefits of Solar Energy Systems

Solar Energy is the most reliable source of uninterrupted electricity. Moreover, it has many benefits and is clean, green, and cost-effective. We will further discuss its benefits below:


Reliable And Abundant Energy Source

Countries like Pakistan have an abundance of sunlight and that is why solar energy for businesses seems to be a feasible solution. The sunlight is available most of the time during the year. When businesses go for solar panel installation to fulfill their electricity needs, they use these panels to convert sunlight into electricity and interestingly these panels also work during cloudy days.

Solar panels basically use light particles (photons) to produce electricity and this way it reduces the business’s dependency on conventional energy sources, providing electricity, and minimizing the overall expense.


Environmental Responsibility

Businesses show their commitment by switching towards renewable energy sources such as solar systems. These systems are environment-friendly and produce electricity without relying on fossil fuels or any kind of burning. Companies like Wateen, have been providing solar solutions to numerous corporate clients, promoting eco-friendly practices and helping them in reducing carbon footprints. By partnering with both government and private organizations, Wateen has been actively engaged in green initiatives.


Enhanced Brand Reputation

Supporting green practices also improves a business’s reputation. People are more inclined toward brands or companies that are supportive of zero emissions. Solar panels showcase a company’s commitment to reducing carbon footprints and a healthier environment and increases their chance of getting more investors onboard and further boosting their business growth.


Low Maintenance Costs

Another benefit that businesses get from solar systems is that it has easy installation, and maintenance cost is lower than the traditional energy resources. The efficient installation ultimately minimizes the disruption in the business operations enabling the teams to continue their tasks without any interruption. Moreover, the new solar PV panels are durable and designed in such a way that don’t get damaged easily even in harsh weather conditions. The protective glass and aluminum keep it safe ensuring a long life.


Cost-Effective Power Source

Implementing solar power for businesses not only saves the environment but also is cost-effective. Businesses leverage solar systems to cut expenses and utilize the saved amount in something more beneficial or meaningful. Additionally, the adoption of solar systems also has a long-term benefit. Though the business has to invest a considerable amount initially, later they will be able to utilize free electricity for many years. This aids in a business’s financial stability as it remains protected from fluctuating utility prices, no matter how much the cost of electricity increases, businesses are on the safer side.


Companies Leveraging Solar Energy

Solar energy has been benefiting several businesses around the globe. Top leading companies have been using solar systems to improve efficiency, productivity, and ultimately the environment. Solar Energy is being widely embraced by businesses around the world as a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution. Here are some examples of businesses in different countries that are powered by solar energy:

Intel (United States): Intel, a leading tech innovator in the United States, is the largest corporate adapter of green power. It has been using renewable energy resources since 2015 for its electricity needs. This includes solar, wind, and geothermal energy.  Intel has also installed significant solar capacity at its facilities, emphasizing its commitment to renewable energy.


Apple (United States): Apple, a leading tech brand, has established its main campus located in Cupertino, California which is entirely powered by renewable energy. It has been utilizing 100% solar energy for its operations, not just in the United States but also in its offices in different parts of the world, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability.

Walmart (United States): Walmart has also incorporated solar systems into 500 of its stores and distribution centers across the United States. The company is renowned around the globe and reflects its commitment to promoting renewable energy.

Ikea (Sweden): Ikea, another big name in the furniture industry has powered 90% of its stores around the globe. This eco-friendly approach has also enhanced the reputation of the brand among its customers. Ikea has also invested in wind farms to support its goal of becoming energy-independent and climate-positive by 2030.


The examples clearly illustrate how globally renowned companies are playing their part in reducing carbon footprints by leveraging solar energy. These businesses are also cutting their overall costs further improving their revenue streams and not only this but they also contribute to a healthier, breathable sustainable future.

These examples illustrate how businesses and countries worldwide are leveraging solar energy to reduce their carbon footprint, lower energy costs, and contribute to a more sustainable future.



Solar energy has undoubtedly benefited businesses in many ways, making them energy-independent and increasing their efficiency and productivity. Adopting solar-powered systems has also enhanced their reputation among national and international customers and, on a larger scale, saved them from paying ever-increasing utility bills.


Additionally, it has enabled businesses to contribute positively to the environment, making the earth a better place for future generations. Take the leap towards a more sustainable future with us. Connect with us at 042-111-365-111 or reach out to energysupport@wateen.com

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